Aluminum Black Cod longline drum with diamond cut level wind. Holds five strings of 7/8" gear for 60 traps. Drum stand is 12'-8" x 6'-10". Seven piston Kayaba hydraulic motor with disc brake. Replacement cost approximately $50,000.
Outstanding maintenance and upkeep are the prominent features of this Uniflite cruiser. There are modifications to living area but hull, engines, and equipment are fully dependable for you and your family. And you do not have to use full engine power so economics are good. The solar panels topside keep you from needing to run auxiliary much.
The boat has been (and still could be) used for whale watching and fishing charters. It has 32 passenger certification till May 2025 so is turnkey ready to go meaning all safety factors in place.
Give us a call to discuss your safe boating in our marine environment.
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